We are specialist in sourcing and product development.

Over 30 years of experience of importing and product manufacturing. We will work together to make sure that the process is seamless and trouble free.

Our Services

Importing trouble freeā€¦.

We make importing trouble free for those that are importing for the first time or need sourcing of for products anywhere in the world. We also have experience in developing new products, so we can help guide you with your new products and find the correct manufacturer, as well as work with the manufacturer in developing the product from design to finished product.

Send your query

Send us all the information regarding the product you are wishing to source and we will get you a response within days. Information and the more specifics on the product

Get your quotes

Quotes can be processed within 24-48 hours if all specifications are provided on a timely manner. We work hard to get target pricing and make sure that your product is competitive.

Shipping your product

Shipping normally takes place 45-60 days after orders are placed. We help throughout the process s and can help on getting orders Door to Door, hassle free.